Friday, July 29, 2011

Vacation Time!

I'm officially on 5 weeks of vacation. What to do with myself? I think it may be time to get those creative juices flowing steadily. While waiting for my official online creative writing course to start on 8/31, I'm currently taking a WAYOP (work at your own pace) course to get my feet wet.

Friday, July 22, 2011


How do I even start to form coherent thoughts from random racing? How do I get them down on paper? Some people say that if you know the end, write it out. The "how you get there" part will follow. Some say if you know the beginning, start there. The end will come. What if you know the middle part of a story in your mind, but have no idea how the characters got there or where they will go after the fact? Worse still, what if you have several ideas for the same story but have no idea how to form them together to make the story worth reading? Hmmmmm.......

Creative Writing Adventure

Well, I haven't done much in the way of a knitting blog, so I'm thinking I'll turn this into a creative writing blog. This is a new adventure for me, one which I've always wanted to delve into, but have never attempted. Over 20 years ago I wrote a ton of poetry, all about teen angst and drama. However, I have so many ideas run through my head so very often that I decided I'd try writing as a more permanent outlet. Whether I ever get published or not does not matter. This is something I need to do within myself.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Autism Awareness Dishcloth

This may be hard to see, but it's actually the impression of a jigsaw puzzle piece done in Sugar N' Cream's Hot Blue. Since the symbol for Autism awareness is a jigsaw puzzle piece, I thought I would make this awesome pattern by Rhonda White in bright vivid colors for Autism awareness. Thanks so much Rhonda for coming up with this pattern!!! It's my way to take my creative niche and still get the word out.

Bubbles the Fish

I LOVE this pattern! This is Bubbles With Fins by Alli of Knitwit's Heaven, based on the original pattern by Susan Mrenna. Here is the link for all versions. I've made 3 of this version so far, these two in Sugar N' Cream's Over the Rainbow, and another in S&C Oriental Ochre. This works up very fast and I can foresee sets of these in the future. These make great gifts! Thanks Susan and Alli for this awesome pattern!


Here's where I want to showcase the things I knit, crochet, read, love, and more. I will supply credit where available and will mention when not. Grab a cuppa and enjoy your stay!

Screwed up date on my blog.....Oy.

Well, I'm still not sure why the date on my blog is a week behind. I went into my settings to change my time zone and all that, and it's still saying it's July. ??? Oy. Any ideas?